Modules can also override templates, configure webpack loaders, add CSS export default { modules: [ // Using package name '@nuxtjs/axios', // Relative to 


Writing multiple components in one file is a pattern from React where some files contain multiple components. Some of those components are “private” to the file/exported component since no other component needs to consume them.

file. createObjectURL(storageFile)); This silly example adds values with a chainsaw. var Lazy = require('lazy'); module.exports = Prompt; function Prompt (stream) { var waiting  typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof classList.add(t[i]);return this},removeClass:function(e){for(var t=e.split(" "),i=0;i


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You should include context, other arguments are optional module.exports = function(context, myTrigger, myInput, myOtherInput) { // function  "add-module-exports",. "transform-es2015-modules-commonjs", module.exports = connect(. mapStateToProps. )( return createStore(reducer, state);. };  In the .vue file where you want to use CSS modules, add module to the style tag: